I have always loved the vintage look but it is definitely Michael Kors well known skirted swimsuit that asos.com sells for a measly £220 that has made the look so famous.

I love it and if I had a couple of hundred quid kicking around I absolutely would buy it! Unfortunately I don't...no surprise. So I did not buy a new one and "forgot" to pack one for the holiday; forcing me completely against my will to buy a new one in Italy. Oh dear.
So after buying espadrilles with clashing polka dot and stripy sashes to tie around my pasty ankles I stumbled into a department store in Pisa for a cheap swimsuit to do me for the trip. And the first thing I land on is a bright yellow bikini with three white buttons down each side of the low, almost skirted, pants and a matching yellow band across the chest. Retro, cute and, most notably, (knock a zero off the end of Kors' baby) cheaper.
20 Euro for the bikini I was looking for? Maybe it's better just to hold off on impulse buys...patience clearly is a virtue!!